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Quick Thoughs...

A couple of things have come to my attention recently sobre my blog. First, WAY more people than i thought are reading it. I thought it was just the immediate fam + or – some aunts and cousins, but turns out we´ve got extended fam, family friends, regular friends, old babysitters- i´m starting to feel like Perez Hilton in his early days (before he turned all Hollywood). So request numero 2 coming atcha (since you guys did such a great job on the first one) can you leave a comment or shoot me an email or something so i can get a better feel for who my audience on this thing is. I´ll change the settings so that you don´t have to be a blogpost member to leave comments, but that just means you have to give some sort of indication of who you are within the comment or else they all will just say anonymous and i´ll still have no idea who´s reading this thing.

Second, some of you don´t seem to understand my Spanglish. I don´t whip it out very often, only ever single time i open my mouth around here and usually the words are similar enough to get my point across- bicicleta= bicycle, mapa= map, definalmente= definitely, etc. I kind of like it in here and I feel like it flows a little better without typing in the translations afterward, so a piece of advice to all you not Spanishly inclined, chances are it´s the word that would fit there in English, I´ve just substituted in the Spanish translation. Por ejemplo, ¨…a veces i find myself checking…¨ roughly translates as ¨…SOMETIMES i find myself checking…¨ Get it? Easy peasy, no?

Also, i have a couple more books to add the the list:

Water for Elephants (3.75)
Life of Pi (3.75)
Time Traveler´s Wife (3)


  1. here is your first comment. excellent new graphics. way more your style. i am happy you blogged today, but i need more info. such as what did you do today? what is the food like? weather? how much do you miss me etc... please blog again. so happy i got a calling card because guess who is going to call you ALL the time?!?! meeee. jk, ill refrain. love ya miss ya.

  2. the extended reading audience is in part because of me girl, everytime someone asks about you i just give them your know i love to share ya..felt like we spent shelby's grad weekend with you since we were able to skype a few times (better than not seeing you at all!)..thanks for putting up with all the questions from us..gotta go now so i can be tutored in spanglish(rosetta stone spanglish maybe),charger in the mail as of june 14 so be on the lookout!

  3. Loved seeing you when i was in Sac.You look good.I spent sometime after grad with Joan ad Al. they send ther love. Saw Toni and Ellie in Marin also . Everyone wants to know how you are.My life is not to interesting but yours is,thats why we ask questions.I will e-mail soon and mybe call. Love you and miss you G

  4. rach you read so muuuuuuuch!!!


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