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Showing posts from August, 2012

Final Thoughts

I’ve been told once or twice that I’m a dreamer; to get my head out of the clouds. To focus on reality, not fantasy or the prospect of what could- or, in my less than expert opinion, should be. I’ve tried to do just that. I honestly— albeit halfheartedly— have. But it never quite works out the way the suggestors or I ever expect. I guess that’s true for almost every worthwhile experience in life, but no matter how many times expectations get exceeded or disappointed, it always feels like the first shocking time when you realize you don’t know everything and almost certainly never will. The real challenge comes in deciding what to do with yourself after that realization. How you act and react to the knowledge that the world really is your oyster and that no matter how much you know, there is always more to learn; no matter how much greener the grass is in the distance, the fact that you choose to be sinking your bare feet into the grass directly underneath you and what you choose