Well, not much new to report on here but the update your blog emails have started up again, so I better give you guys something. The past few weeks I’ve been mostly dealing with a little housing issue that has come up. Long, whiney story short, I had a house set up for the full two years, but Jaime and Sara (who had previously been living in Riobamba) decided that they wanted to live there, so they basically inadvertently kicked me out. They figured we could easily share the house, which in all honesty is probably true, but you see, there is a widely understood and followed PC rule that PCVs don't live with their counterparts. What's the saying, don't shit where you eat? Well, I don't want to shit or eat 2 feet away from the people I already spend almost every waking hour with. There's got to be some separation here (church/state, work/play, Ecuadorian/American, etc), some degree of privacy, right? What if some other PCVs want to come over for the weekend and...
The contents of this web site express my own views and do not reflect the position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.