A couple of things have come to my attention recently sobre my blog. First, WAY more people than i thought are reading it. I thought it was just the immediate fam + or – some aunts and cousins, but turns out we´ve got extended fam, family friends, regular friends, old babysitters- i´m starting to feel like Perez Hilton in his early days (before he turned all Hollywood). So request numero 2 coming atcha (since you guys did such a great job on the first one) can you leave a comment or shoot me an email or something so i can get a better feel for who my audience on this thing is. I´ll change the settings so that you don´t have to be a blogpost member to leave comments, but that just means you have to give some sort of indication of who you are within the comment or else they all will just say anonymous and i´ll still have no idea who´s reading this thing. Second, some of you don´t seem to understand my Spanglish. I don´t whip it out very often, only ever single time i open my mouth ar...
The contents of this web site express my own views and do not reflect the position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.