May 11, 2010 So during the swearing in ceremony, we had 2 speeches from volunteers: one from NRC and one from Ag. In one of the speeches, Ross (the NRC representative) ended with a list of things he had learned thus far in training. I’ve decided in an effort reduce the amount of UPDATE YOUR BLOG emails I get from certain people (Mom and Sarah, I’m looking at you), to follow in Ross’s footsteps and every so often bring you a list of things I have learned or observations I have made that have stuck out for me. So without further adieu, I bring to you: Rachel’s Observations of Ecuador (I know, I know the title needs a little work, but titles have always been the hardest part for me. Well, titles and introductions if you want to get specific). 1. Not all blue and white UNIDOS buses stop in Cebadas. While this may mean little to you guys, let me tell you that it’s worth it to double check with the driver if the bus you’re boarding is going to be going all the way to your final destin...
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